
For a more comprehensive guide to the financial markets, PU Prime has a series of free e-books covering topics like risk management and technical analysis.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Our extensive range of ebooks covers a series of topics. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an advanced trader searching for new strategies, you'll be sure to find an ebook to suit you.

  • Trading Tips

    If you are new to Forex trading, here are a few tips to help you meet your trading aspirations.

  • Managing Risk

    Forex risk management is one of, if not the most, important topics when it comes to trading.

  • Chart Patterns

    Chart patterns are important tools to decide when to enter and exit trades.

  • Japanese Candlesticks

    Japanese candlestick charts were invented by rice traders in western Japan in the 1700s.

  • Making Discipline A Habit

    Cultivating discipline for trading is one of the most challenging but rewarding things traders can do.


Register And Download Our E-Books For Free!

Our extensive range of e-books covers a series of topics. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an advanced trader searching for new strategies, you'll be sure to find an e-book to suit you.

*By submitting the form, you agree to receive marketing emails or messages from us. You may unsubscribe anytime. All trading carries risk. Please read the Terms and Conditions of PU Prime and Risk Disclosure.

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    And you also can open a risk-free demo account to practical practice.

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Why Trade With PU Prime?

PU Prime ensures high levels of client retention and satisfaction by offering superior service.

Low Trading Costs

Our spreads for forex are some of the lowest in the industry, and can go as low as 0.0 pips in times of high trading volume.

Unparalleled Support

Effortlessly get the customer support you need through our omnichannel system. Teams are on standby 24/7 to help.

Secure Trading

Trade with peace of mind. PU Prime is a trusted, regulated CFD provider. Your funds are segregated and held by AA-Rated Banks.

Ready To Trade With PU Prime?

We make trading easy and accessible. PU Prime offers ready-to-trade platforms so users have the flexibility to enjoy trading anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Want To Trade With PU Prime?

Speak to one of our professional staff members to see how you can get started.

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