PU Prime App

Exclusive deals on mobile

Mirror & Match

Earn up to USD $60 in Trade Loss Vouchers with our copy trading promotion on the PU Prime App by mirroring top strategies or letting others follow your signals.

Promotion Period
16 September - 15 October 2024

Start Mirroring Now

*Terms and Conditions Apply.Read More

Simplify Trades With
PU Prime’s Copy Trading

Simplify your trading journey with PU Prime’s copy trading promotion, where you can earn by easily replicating seasoned traders’ strategies or growing your influence as a Signal Provider. Secure your Trade Loss Vouchers today!

Get More Out Of Every Trade On The PU Prime App

Join PU Prime's Copy Trading Promotion and unlock exclusive rewards on the PU Prime App. Whether you're a Signal Provider or a Copier, earn $30 USD or equivalent trade loss vouchers by completing successful copy trades on the platform.

Signal Provider

Earn $30 USD or equivalent Trade Loss Vouchers by having at least one Copier complete a copy trade based on your signals on the PU Prime App.


Earn $30 USD or equivalent Trade Loss Vouchers by successfully completing a copy trade based on a Signal Provider’s signals with our copy trading promotion.

Vouchers for you!

Bonus: Earn up to $60 USD or equivalent vouchers if you meet the criteria as both a Signal Provider and Copier.

Trust We Have Earned

As Featured on:

Platforms You Can Depend On

We’ve combined technology with mindful interface design to ensure a smooth, reliable trading experience.

  • An award-winning mobile experience for trading anytime, anywhere
  • Browser-based WebTrader platform for all major browsers
  • MetaTraders 4 and 5
  • Comprehensive education, analysis and trading tools
  • Copy Trading with PU Prime App
Our Platforms

Fast and easy account opening

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