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Monthly Archives: May 2024


Euro Jumps As Fed’s Powell Signals Prolonged Rates

Written on May 15, 2024 at 2:05 am, by

Fundamental Analysis * Rate Rapture: The Euro strengthened against the dollar after comments made by Fed Chair Jerome Powell. On economic data, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that both monthly headline and core Producer Price Index (PPI) exceeded expectations, with a 0.5% growth compared to the anticipated 0.3% and 0.2% respectively. Annually, headlineContinue Reading

Master The Art Of Weekly Planning For CFD Traders

Written on May 14, 2024 at 8:34 am, by

In CFD trading, having solid strategies is essential for long-term success. Without a structured plan, trading can be like sailing without a compass. Weekly planning provides direction and focus, helping traders manage risks and adapt to market changes. It’s not just an administrative task but a strategic exercise that enhances trading skills and decision-making. ThisContinue Reading

Japan’s Long-term Treasury Yield Surge

Written on May 14, 2024 at 6:02 am, by

Market Summary In the most recent trading session, asset classes remained largely unchanged as markets awaited key U.S. inflation data. The Producer Price Index (PPI) is set for release today, followed by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) tomorrow. These figures are critical as they could influence the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy. In the stock andContinue Reading

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