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Monthly Archives: January 2024


Fed May End Tightening, Expects Lower Borrowing Costs

Written on January 12, 2024 at 2:07 am, by

Wednesday, 17 Jan, 09:00 – UK CPI (YoY) (Dec) In November, the UK’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 3.9% year-over-year, down from October’s 4.6% surge. Expectations for a modest decrease to 4.3% were surprised by the decline, prompting speculation about a potential interest rate cut by the Bank of England in 2024, which is nowContinue Reading

Stock Market Edges Higher Ahead Of CPI

Written on January 11, 2024 at 5:15 am, by

U.S. equities climbed in anticipation of the upcoming earnings season, driven by tech giants like Microsoft, Meta, and Nvidia. However, gains were tempered as investors prepared for the release of the U.S. CPI U.S. equities climbed in anticipation of the upcoming earnings season, driven by tech giants like Microsoft, Meta, and Nvidia. However, gains wereContinue Reading

Website Maintenance Notice

Written on January 10, 2024 at 8:34 am, by

Dear Valued Client, Please be informed that our website will undergo maintenance on 11 Jan 2024 16:00 – 11 Jan 2024 22:00 (GMT+2). During the maintenance period, there might be downtime for website. Note: Client Portal, MT4 & MT5, PU Prime application will not be affected and operations will remain uninterrupted. For clients who wouldContinue Reading

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